Welcome to the 2021/22 Season.
First day back saw big numbers at the youngest group u6/u7 led by newly installed head coach Gavin Lee. 42 children turned up on the first morning and it was great to see the excitement on their faces.
Many parents are wondering what to do next in terms of club gear, jerseys shorts and socks. Our new range of Samurai gear is due in from the factory early next week so watch out for notifications for the club shop which will be setup on Sunday mornings. You will also be able to buy gear direct from Elayne in the office during business hours Monday - Friday 9-am to 5:30pm.O
Please ensure your child has the correct boots and a well fitted gumshield. The boots must be studded boots like they wear for GAA. Soccer 'blades' are not allowed in Rugby as they can cause injuries,
Please ensure with studded boots that the studs are in good condition and are not chipped or worn or have serrated edges. Common makes are Canterbury, Adidas, Gilbert etc; - See example below.
Finally, both parents and Children should remember. Respect the Ref, respect the coach, respect each other.